Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Terminator

Terminator, Terminator, Terminator. What can I say about this crazy franchise? Don't get me wrong I enjoy this franchise even the bad movies but it is crazy. Usually I hate things that have to do time travel, which is weird since I love Doctor Who. I guess what I hate is when they try and over explain things and try and do things that don't make sense to me. Not that I know anything about time travel. But I digress. I recently watched all the Terminator movies and the television show.

The first movie was great as are most movies that spawn sequels. There is noting I do not like about this movie. The story was unique and the action worth watching. Sarah was a relatable, normal girl form that time and she behaved in a believable way when put into that situation. And I don't know about anyone else but I would let Kyle Reese rescue me from a killer robot from the future anytime. And man do I love me some Arnold Schwarzeneggar as a badass, kicking ass and taking names.

Then came Terminator 2: Judgement Day. What an awesome movie! I can't decide if it is just as good or better then Terminator.Either way it is a great film. I never liked John Connor. Punk ass kid. But Sarah Connor transformed into a badass bitch. She's crazy but still badass. I liked her better in Terminator but she is still awesome. Then, of course, there is Arnold, BA per usual.

Then there is Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. Oh Terminator 3! What a piece of shit. That's one of the things I hate about this franchise. They fight and fight against judgement day but they can't stop it they just postpone it. It's an exercise in futility and I hate when they make time set in stone like that. Then how stupid is Connor that he thinks this Terminator is the same one from Judgement Day. He saw that one destroyed. He pushed the button that lowered it into the molten metal. The whole thing was stupid. The Terminatrix was kind of cool, I guess but also not really. The whole thing was a disappointment.

This part is going to have some spoilers for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. First of all it is a terrible television show but I watched it. I suffered through it cause I set goals of watching things in their entirety and I suffer through terrible television shows. I hated every second of it. From John Connor being a stupid emo teenager to Summer Glau being a teenaged terminator. What use is that? Not to mention she is defective or something. Then the flash forwards to the future where the resistance is like run by Terminators which is completely ridiculous. The entire show is completely ridiculous. The only thing I liked about it was Lena Headey as Sarah Connor. Lena Headey is a great actress and Sarah is the only well developed character in the show. Not very well developed but better then the rest of them. And Garret Dillahunt as the terminator avatar of the thinking computer John Henry was amazing. Of course, the show actually started getting good right before it was canceled. It ended leaving me wanting more. Such bullshit.

Terminator: Salvation was a great movie. Who doesn't love Christian Bale and Sam Worthington. Christian Bale plays a great down and out John Connor. That's what he was to me anyway. He was set up from birth, and his mother was always telling him that he was going to be this great leader. That's a lot to live up to. But, he doesn't know what it is he is supposed to be doing and he ends up as just some jarhead. I can see that soldiers would be necessary in a war against terminators but, I feel like they set it up in Judgement Day that John Connor was a whiz with computers, and I feel like those are the kind of skills that are vital for a war against skynet.

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