Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Second Doctor

This is going to be a tough one. Its been a while since I have seen these episodes and since most of the Patrick Troughton era episodes are missing the majority of what I know is from the books I read based on the episodes. Here is something I found odd. I would read several of the books and then watch an episode and while watching it I was always surprised by how deep Patrick Troughtons voice is. I don't know what it was, if it was the description in the books or something else, but I always heard the Second Doctors voice in my head to be high pitched and squeaky. When in actuality his voice is quite deep and resonant. I liked his voice. The Second Doctors attire is almost completely opposite the First Doctor. He wears ill fitting and disheveled clothing. The thing he does have in common with the First Doctor is that he is always one or two steps ahead of everyone else. Unlike the First Doctor, who was always cool, calm composure while facing danger, the Second Doctor would show his emotions going so far as outright panic in some cases. Above all else, the Second Doctor was calculating. He knew how to get people to think or act how he wanted them to. Whether that was having them think he was a complete idiot to getting people to do what he wanted and having them think it was their idea. I think I am in the minority when I say that while he was a good Doctor I liked the First Doctor better.

Like the First Doctor, the Second Doctor had accompaniment on his travels. His first companions were Ben Jackson and Polly, who were there at the time of his regeneration. Its hard to get a read on these two because none of the episodes featuring them are complete except "The War Machines." They were alright but my take on them was that Polly was a little too "go get 'um" for her own good and Ben was kind of an oaf. Next is my favorite Second Doctor companion: Jamie McCrimmon. He is the first companion to come from a more primitive time that was not a burden. Not to mention how funny they were together. They were a riot. They were the comic relief their entire run together. "Tomb of the Cybermen" anyone? Next came Victoria Waterfield. The token damsel in distress, always boring. And most famous for her scream. I did like the fact that, for her last appearance in "Fury from the Deep," she saved the day with her scream. It was a nice send off for her. Finally, we have Zoe Heriot. She is a young, cute girl but, don't underestimate her. She was smart and knew how to handle herself in a fight. I think the final configuration of the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe is one of my top Doctor/Companion teams.

My absolute favorite Second Doctor serial would be "The Mind Robbers." In it the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe travel to the Land of Fiction. While there they encounter fictional characters like Rapunzel and Lemuel Gulliver, they have to solve riddles come to life, and face mythical creatures like Medusa and Unicorns. And one of the greatest dangers they face is that they themselves can become fiction. It was a work of genius. Whoever wrote it was a genius. I think it might be the greatest serial of Doctor Who ever. Some other note worthy serials are "The Tomb of the Cybermen" where they encounter cryogenically frozen Cybermen and a man who thinks he is smart enough to awaken and control them. Spoiler Alert: He is not. "The War Games" in which the Doctor encounters another of his Time Lord brethren in the shape of the War Chief. "The Faceless Ones" was pretty creepy. I can't say that very many of the Second Doctors adventures really grabbed me. I'm not one for monster-of-the-week type shows.

I think of all the enemies this Doctor faced my favorite would be the Cybermen. He faced them a few time in his run. Just based on their appearance alone they are imposing and ominous. I always like it when the Doctor runs into one of the Time Lords. If for no other reason the War Chief is memorable. I absolutely hate the Ice Warriors. Their raspy, breathy way of speaking grates on my nerves like no other. Then there is Salamander, The Doctors Doppleganger if you will. The most convoluted plan for world domination I ever saw. And poorly executed at that.

I have to say just one thing more. My favorite moment in the Patrick Troughton era happened in the serial "The Evil of the Daleks." Only one episode of the serial survives and the scene is not on film but playing it in my head always makes me smile. Its when the Doctor "infects" three Daleks with "the Human Factor" and the Doctor teaches them words and they play around. The Doctor gives them names when no Dalek has ever had one. Then they start to spin him around on a chair. He yells for them to stop, that he is getting dizzy and they all start chanting "Diz-zy Doc-tor." I can just imagine it in the Dalek diction and it makes me laugh.

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