Saturday, May 26, 2018

American Horror Story(Spoilers)

I am in love with American Horror Story. The first season scared me and I was hooked from then on. I love things that scare me. This show was a genius idea: an anthology series where the same actors are in each season but playing different characters and the seasons have different content. At first the seasons were going to have nothing to do with each other. But, of course, they decided to change that and I am interested in seeing how they will connect all of them. I am just going to give a brief overview of my feelings on each season. For those of you who have not seen the show: Spoilers Ahead.

Murder House
The first season was great. Who doesn't love a ghost story? The season started off with some great jump scares, then became this intricate story about all the people who have ever lived... and died in the house. I enjoyed Violets story the most. It was a little too teenage angst for my taste but I liked the actress that played Violet(Taissa Farmiga) and the actor that played Tate(Evan Peters). They had great chemistry. It had a very strange happy ending but also not a happy ending. Everybody dies at the end but they still exist in the house and live happily ever after?

This season was a mish-mash of alien abductions, demonic possession, mad scientists and killers. Sarah Paulsons portrayal of Lana Winters was great. Lana's story was horrifying from beginning to end.

This season was a slow burner for me. I didn't really it until the last 3 episodes. But those 3 episodes were amazing. Sarah Paulson was, again, awesome as Cordelia Foxx. Also, Stevie Nicks made an appearance. Pretty fantastic.

Freak Show
This season, obviously set around a traveling Freak Show was interesting to say the least. The Clown Freaked me out. Dandy was insane. An intricate story about these people just trying to get by, through the only means at their disposal, a Freak Show. The world is cruel but they were trying to make their own happiness. They eventually did. Another happy ending with a twist.

One of my favorite seasons. Absolutely loved Lady Gaga as The Countess. Very reminiscent of the Murder House season. And who doesn't love vampires? Actually: Me. I am sick of the entire genre. But they did this one right. Kind of contemporary classic vampires. Not a single sparkle to be seen. Just a morally ambiguous creature living off those around her.

This season actually really scared me. I was not able to watch it in the dark. It was a story within a story within a story. Very convoluted. The gratuitous violence was not to my liking. Violence is not scary, it is disgusting. People rely on it too much in the horror genre. Probably why I prefer the Thriller genre.

My Rankings of the Seasons
1. Murder House
2. Hotel
3. Freak Show
4. Asylum
5. Coven
6. Roanoke

Thanks for Reading
Follow me on instagram: @castleclown

Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Third Doctor

What can I say about Jon Pertwee as the Third Doctor? The first thing that comes to mind is his wardrobe. Pure 1970s glory. Ruffled shirts, velvet jackets and ... a cape! I loved that outfit. I think that will probably be the nicest thing I will say about him. Called the Dandy Doctor because of the outrageous way he dressed, I found the rest of his character to be lacking. He was an egomaniac to the max and I found him smug, arrogant and sexist. I suppose it was just a sign of the times but I did not enjoy it. The writers were also moving toward a more action oriented, spy kind of show that is just not my cup of tea.

As always The Doctor had companions. The first in his run was Liz Shaw. She was a smart capable woman who was relegated to the sidelines as The Doctors "secretary." Another "sign of the times." Next came Jo Grant. She was spunky and cheerful. I rather liked her. She was even able to make friends with The Master. She was a good companion to The Doctor. Then came Sarah Jane Smith. What a wonderful character. Probably one of the most memorable companions. She was cheerful and easygoing, but also smart and resourceful. I loved Sarah Jane Smith. I think she might be my favorite of all The Doctors companions from this incarnation and all the others. Then, of course, there is the UNIT Team. While, I guess, technically not companions they were a staple of the show during the Jon Pertwee era. First, The Brigadier, Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. Very "by the book" and disciplined to The Doctors flash in the pan. The perfect compliment. Then there is Sergent John Benton, the easygoing, down to earth infantry man and Captain Mike Yates, the young officer: smart confident and good with the ladies. Lol.

Over all Jon Pertwee's episodes were marked by overly complicated plots, Venusian Karate and monsters of the week. I found them pretty boring. I think out of all of them I only liked one episode: The Inferno. The alternate reality where The Brigadier is a militant dictator. I have always liked that concept.

The episodes brought along old and new opponents for The Doctor. There was, of course, the staple Dalek episodes. Always appreciated but never my favorites. And the multitude of alien species: the autons, the silurians and the sea devils, just to name a few. My favorite aliens were the Ambassadors of Death. They were mysterious and deadly. That they turned out to be on a mission of peace made them all the more interesting to me. Jon Pertwee's era marked the introduction of The Master, The Doctor's long running archnemesis. He makes several appearances in these seasons, always looking to gain control over the universe. Each of his plans is more grandiose and labyrinthine then the last.

Overall not the best era of Doctor Who in my mind but some iconic things came out of it and for that I love it.

My Favorite Doctors:
1. William Hartnell
2. Patrick Troughton
3. Jon Pertwee

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Star Trek: Enterprise

I have been a fan of Star Trek since I can remember. I love the optimistic view of the future. All the different aliens are cool. Then I decided to watch Enterprise (later Star Trek: Enterprise). While I still love Star Trek, nothing will ever change that, I hate everything about Star Trek: Enterprise. A lot of people will give reasons why they didn't like it that mean little or nothing to me. One reason I have heard is the way the Vulcan's were portrayed. That they were snobbish and they had little to no respect for humans or Starfleet. I have to say that that did not bother me. I actually liked that portrayal. I have always seen Vulcans as very snobbish and condescending. I'm probably the only one who thinks that. But I don't care.

The stories were ok, and some of them were even quite interesting, but they forced story points so that Captain Archer had plenty of moral quandries to consider. To set up the directives of the Federation. But all that did was to have the Captain portrayed as a whining, wishy-washy man. I did not like him. None of the characters made much of an impression on me.

There are a few things that stand out to me that I thought were amusing or interesting. The first is the episode in which Hoshi Sato tries to figure out what Lieutenant Malcolm Reeds favorite food is for his birthday. It was not the main point of the episode but it was apparently the most interesting part for me because I don't remember what it was. And I found it funny that she found out that it was pineapple because he took an alergy medication to stop from having an allergic reaction to it. Another thing I like was the alien species the Andorians. Mostly because of the duel nature of Commander Shran. He really disliked Captain Archer but still helped out the Enterprise crew just because he was mad about owing a dept to Archer. I also really liked the Xindi. I am just really interested in seeing what an Avian-Xindi would look like.

I barely remember the television series because it was uninteresting. I tried to read a novel based on the series to disaster. It made me hate this part of the Star Trek universe.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Second Doctor

This is going to be a tough one. Its been a while since I have seen these episodes and since most of the Patrick Troughton era episodes are missing the majority of what I know is from the books I read based on the episodes. Here is something I found odd. I would read several of the books and then watch an episode and while watching it I was always surprised by how deep Patrick Troughtons voice is. I don't know what it was, if it was the description in the books or something else, but I always heard the Second Doctors voice in my head to be high pitched and squeaky. When in actuality his voice is quite deep and resonant. I liked his voice. The Second Doctors attire is almost completely opposite the First Doctor. He wears ill fitting and disheveled clothing. The thing he does have in common with the First Doctor is that he is always one or two steps ahead of everyone else. Unlike the First Doctor, who was always cool, calm composure while facing danger, the Second Doctor would show his emotions going so far as outright panic in some cases. Above all else, the Second Doctor was calculating. He knew how to get people to think or act how he wanted them to. Whether that was having them think he was a complete idiot to getting people to do what he wanted and having them think it was their idea. I think I am in the minority when I say that while he was a good Doctor I liked the First Doctor better.

Like the First Doctor, the Second Doctor had accompaniment on his travels. His first companions were Ben Jackson and Polly, who were there at the time of his regeneration. Its hard to get a read on these two because none of the episodes featuring them are complete except "The War Machines." They were alright but my take on them was that Polly was a little too "go get 'um" for her own good and Ben was kind of an oaf. Next is my favorite Second Doctor companion: Jamie McCrimmon. He is the first companion to come from a more primitive time that was not a burden. Not to mention how funny they were together. They were a riot. They were the comic relief their entire run together. "Tomb of the Cybermen" anyone? Next came Victoria Waterfield. The token damsel in distress, always boring. And most famous for her scream. I did like the fact that, for her last appearance in "Fury from the Deep," she saved the day with her scream. It was a nice send off for her. Finally, we have Zoe Heriot. She is a young, cute girl but, don't underestimate her. She was smart and knew how to handle herself in a fight. I think the final configuration of the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe is one of my top Doctor/Companion teams.

My absolute favorite Second Doctor serial would be "The Mind Robbers." In it the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe travel to the Land of Fiction. While there they encounter fictional characters like Rapunzel and Lemuel Gulliver, they have to solve riddles come to life, and face mythical creatures like Medusa and Unicorns. And one of the greatest dangers they face is that they themselves can become fiction. It was a work of genius. Whoever wrote it was a genius. I think it might be the greatest serial of Doctor Who ever. Some other note worthy serials are "The Tomb of the Cybermen" where they encounter cryogenically frozen Cybermen and a man who thinks he is smart enough to awaken and control them. Spoiler Alert: He is not. "The War Games" in which the Doctor encounters another of his Time Lord brethren in the shape of the War Chief. "The Faceless Ones" was pretty creepy. I can't say that very many of the Second Doctors adventures really grabbed me. I'm not one for monster-of-the-week type shows.

I think of all the enemies this Doctor faced my favorite would be the Cybermen. He faced them a few time in his run. Just based on their appearance alone they are imposing and ominous. I always like it when the Doctor runs into one of the Time Lords. If for no other reason the War Chief is memorable. I absolutely hate the Ice Warriors. Their raspy, breathy way of speaking grates on my nerves like no other. Then there is Salamander, The Doctors Doppleganger if you will. The most convoluted plan for world domination I ever saw. And poorly executed at that.

I have to say just one thing more. My favorite moment in the Patrick Troughton era happened in the serial "The Evil of the Daleks." Only one episode of the serial survives and the scene is not on film but playing it in my head always makes me smile. Its when the Doctor "infects" three Daleks with "the Human Factor" and the Doctor teaches them words and they play around. The Doctor gives them names when no Dalek has ever had one. Then they start to spin him around on a chair. He yells for them to stop, that he is getting dizzy and they all start chanting "Diz-zy Doc-tor." I can just imagine it in the Dalek diction and it makes me laugh.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Terminator

Terminator, Terminator, Terminator. What can I say about this crazy franchise? Don't get me wrong I enjoy this franchise even the bad movies but it is crazy. Usually I hate things that have to do time travel, which is weird since I love Doctor Who. I guess what I hate is when they try and over explain things and try and do things that don't make sense to me. Not that I know anything about time travel. But I digress. I recently watched all the Terminator movies and the television show.

The first movie was great as are most movies that spawn sequels. There is noting I do not like about this movie. The story was unique and the action worth watching. Sarah was a relatable, normal girl form that time and she behaved in a believable way when put into that situation. And I don't know about anyone else but I would let Kyle Reese rescue me from a killer robot from the future anytime. And man do I love me some Arnold Schwarzeneggar as a badass, kicking ass and taking names.

Then came Terminator 2: Judgement Day. What an awesome movie! I can't decide if it is just as good or better then Terminator.Either way it is a great film. I never liked John Connor. Punk ass kid. But Sarah Connor transformed into a badass bitch. She's crazy but still badass. I liked her better in Terminator but she is still awesome. Then, of course, there is Arnold, BA per usual.

Then there is Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. Oh Terminator 3! What a piece of shit. That's one of the things I hate about this franchise. They fight and fight against judgement day but they can't stop it they just postpone it. It's an exercise in futility and I hate when they make time set in stone like that. Then how stupid is Connor that he thinks this Terminator is the same one from Judgement Day. He saw that one destroyed. He pushed the button that lowered it into the molten metal. The whole thing was stupid. The Terminatrix was kind of cool, I guess but also not really. The whole thing was a disappointment.

This part is going to have some spoilers for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. First of all it is a terrible television show but I watched it. I suffered through it cause I set goals of watching things in their entirety and I suffer through terrible television shows. I hated every second of it. From John Connor being a stupid emo teenager to Summer Glau being a teenaged terminator. What use is that? Not to mention she is defective or something. Then the flash forwards to the future where the resistance is like run by Terminators which is completely ridiculous. The entire show is completely ridiculous. The only thing I liked about it was Lena Headey as Sarah Connor. Lena Headey is a great actress and Sarah is the only well developed character in the show. Not very well developed but better then the rest of them. And Garret Dillahunt as the terminator avatar of the thinking computer John Henry was amazing. Of course, the show actually started getting good right before it was canceled. It ended leaving me wanting more. Such bullshit.

Terminator: Salvation was a great movie. Who doesn't love Christian Bale and Sam Worthington. Christian Bale plays a great down and out John Connor. That's what he was to me anyway. He was set up from birth, and his mother was always telling him that he was going to be this great leader. That's a lot to live up to. But, he doesn't know what it is he is supposed to be doing and he ends up as just some jarhead. I can see that soldiers would be necessary in a war against terminators but, I feel like they set it up in Judgement Day that John Connor was a whiz with computers, and I feel like those are the kind of skills that are vital for a war against skynet.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

The First Doctor

My friend made the mistake of having me watch the first season of the 2005 Doctor Who series starring Christopher Eccleston. The mistake was not in having me watch it because I absolutely loved every second of it. The mistake was not knowing how much of a fanatic I can become. This of course does not effect her in the slightest. Me on the other hand: its become a problem. As I said I loved every second of watching Christopher Eccleston be the Doctor. Then I learned that he was the Ninth Doctor and I was like "there are eight more before him plus the ones after him." That, of course, blew my mind and started me on my fanatical journey to watch every episode of Doctor Who that has been or ever will be made.

Now I have only watched the first two seasons of the new series but I recently went back and watched William Hartnell portray the first ever Doctor. His reign lasting from 1963 to 1966. The first big hurdle to my endeavor: The Lost Episodes. Those episodes wiped from the BBC archives due to a policy they had in the 70's. A tragedy in hindsight. But I was still determined and came up with a sort of solution: I am going to read the the novelizations of the Missing Episodes. Also they now have the animated reconstructions of some of the episodes as well. It was kind of hit or miss but I still had great fun with the whole thing and I would like to share some of the highlights and lowlights.

Lets talk about The Doctor himself first. I liked William Hartnell as The Doctor. Sure he was crotchety but I warmed up to him. He was serious, stern and a bit egotistical. I got the distinct impression on several occasions that he enjoyed proving people wrong and proving he was smarter then them. Every companion has had to be convinced that The Doctor was telling the truth about traveling through time and space and he was always indignant until they believed him. There is, of course, no doubt that he is smarter then everyone in existence but he is also unflappable in the face of danger and quite magnanimous. Not to mention what a snazzy dresser he is :). Once or twice he even showed his comical side. Especially in the serial "The Romans." All in all a great Doctor.

Now for the supporting cast. He had a lot of good companions but also some duds. Susan Foreman was ok but she was kind of "non" to me. I don't know how else to describe it. I have to say my favorite of his companions were Barbara Wright, Ian Chesterton and Vicki. Barbara and Ian were unwilling companions but they adjusted well and just rolled with it. Vicki was spunky but also very smart. She had great chemistry with The Doctor, Barbara and Ian. I think that Steven Taylor was the worst of his companions . He was arrogant and I just did not like him. The Doctor went through his companions Katarina, Sara Kingdom and Dodo Chaplet so fast they are almost not worth mentioning. Katarina and Dodo were both kind of useless but Sara was a kick ass woman. Polly and Ben were alright.

My absolute favorite First Doctor serial is "The Dalek Invasion of Earth." It was a great return of one of The Doctors greatest enemies and it had a heartwarming send off for Susan at the end. My least favorite serial was "The Gunfighter." I just couldn't get into it. Probably cause of Steven and Dodo. Another good serial is "The Edge of Destruction." A rare cerebral adventure.

There is no doubt that the Daleks are an iconic and crowd-pleasing Doctor Who enemy and I would not trade them for the world. But I have to say that my favorite villain that the First Doctor faced was The Celestial Toymaker. Having The Doctor and his companions play games for their lives. Creepy. And just as smart as The Doctor. The worst enemy he faced had to be the giant ant creatures that were afraid of dead spiders. Stupid.

... Oh, another good serial was "The Space Museum." Where the TARDIS crew was displaced in time and had to keep themselves from becoming exhibits in a museum.

... Oh and "The Chase." The Daleks chase the TARDIS through time and space in their very own TARDIS.

OK. I have to stop. I Love Doctor Who!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I Love The Walking Dead

I just watched the first season of the Walking Dead for the second time. I no longer have access to the new episodes so to get my fix I watched the show on instant play on Netflix. I absolutely love that show. I know it is not the greatest show there ever was but I still enjoy it immensely. Zombies are my weakness. I will probably watch anything as long as it has zombies in it. I don’t care they are the slow moving zombies, fast moving zombies or “infected” zombies. I love them all the same. There might be something a little bit wrong with me but as I like to say “I’m weird and I’m ok with that.”